Ecom with Jon - September 1, 2024

What I learned this week - Percentage Subscriber 1st time Orders

Here’s what I learned this week

This is going to be my shortest newsletter of the year.

I could go into a long drawn out explanation of all these things, but it’s too complicated to explain.

This is the screenshot from a long term test of Auto-Apply Coupon codes.

Note the increase in First time Orders coming from subscribers.

Those are some big gains.

13.92% raw

30.53% percentage increase

It took us 4 years to get this number over 50% relentlessly focusing on Subscription to Conversion rate.

This is a massive step towards unlocking what comes next.

Ask yourself this question:

Everyone in ecommerce is trying to impact existing KPIs.

What happens when you build a model to create new KPIs with potential to be a better predictor of success than existing ones?

The Takeaway

Have a great Sunday!


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